Children & Kids Couture Portraits | Gilbert-Chandler-Mesa-Photographer
If you are a mom like me you understand we go by many names - boss babe, hunny, housewife, lover, maid, secretary, caregiver, cook, personal shopper, chauffer, the list goes on forever. But there is one name I can answer to with no regrets and no hesitation and that is mother.
Recently, in a conversation with another woman she said to me. "Oh, you are a photographer. I bet you have tons of awesome photos of your children." I paused. Truth is, I have more cell phone pictures of my children than I know what to do with. But, professional kids photos? Contrary to popular belief, not many.
So, when my daughter looked at me with the most tragic eyes and said "mom, all you do is work" it occurred to me what I had to do. In a spontaneous moment of mommy daughter madness I responded with five simple words.
"I'm going to photograph you."
Her eyes lit up instantly, she ran to her room and picked out her favorite dress, grabbed her fantasy make up and we were in full force girl world. I couldn't believe the excitement flowing out of her like a kid in a candy store as she put on her all too forbidden lipstick and handed me a brush.
The results - a connection that I haven't felt between me and my daughter for over a year. She was quiet, contemplative, and presented herself as though (at just the tender age of 9) she could take on the world.
She saw nothing but wonder, magic & joy.
Though she is little, I realized that this new world... it requires so much of her. If she is smart, she must be smarter. If she is pretty, she must be prettier. If she is kind, she must be kinder. As a mother, you can imagine the pain that accompanies a child who doesn't feel worthy.
She IS worthy.
If you have a child, and are a mother like I am. Remind yourself, to
let them be little.
Let them play with make up at home without judgement. Let them express who they are without shame. Let them learn at their own pace. Let them make mistakes before trying to correct them. Why? We learn from experience. Experience is how you find love, understand heartache, learn how to cope, and become who you will be.
They may not be perfect, but a child is always brave, full of wonder & hope.
Spoil them with magic, and memories.
- Because they are worthy. And, let them be little.

My name is Christina, maid, hunny, bossbabe, photographer and above all - mother. And I believe my child is worthy.
For more information on giving your child an experience beyond any other photography session they've ever had before contact your Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa photographer here.