Best Boudoir Photographer in Scottsdale Arizona | The Bella Jade Collection serving Phoenix, Gilbert, Scottsdale

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Ways to Boost Your Confidence Before Your Boudoir Shoot | Scottsdale Boudoir Photography serving Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert, Scottsdale, Chandler, Queen Creek Area

If you've already booked a boudoir shoot for yourself, I am so excited for you! This is a huge step and I love that you committed to doing something this bold for yourself — finally! Ultimately, doing a shoot like this will amplify your confidence! But you may still be wondering how on earth you are going to pull this off. If you’re nervous at all, I can assure you that’s normal. Chances are that you're doing this not just as a gift for someone else, if at all, but as a gift for you that will increase your self-esteem and help you see yourself in a new light. That means you’re probably going into this wishing you had more confidence! Don’t worry, even if you don’t feel quite ready by the time you step into the studio, we will guide you every step of the way and be there to encourage and lift you up so that you look and feel amazing the day of! But, there are some things you can try before your shoot to help boost your confidence before the session!

Here are some steps you can take to ease your nerves and get more comfortable leading up to the day of your shoot:

1. Start by Choosing a photographer you trust and resonate with!

This is probably the most important thing you can do when it comes to getting boudoir photos. Since most women like you and me are not air-brushed, trained models, it’s likely you’ll be showing up a little unsure and in need of some extra coaching and direction. Also, you probably want to have fun too! Am I right? If this is you, I highly recommend that you research to find a photographer who specializes in boudoir, showcases more than just models, and has experience working with women of all body types and comfort levels. More over, take some time to talk to them beforehand and get to know them beyond just their images. Are they passionate about what they do? Are they highly recommended? Do they want the same things for you that you want for you? Whether it is through social media, reviews, emails, or a phone call, taking this step can go a long way. Finding a boudoir photographer near you that you resonate and feel safe with can change the entire vibe of the shoot. And, helps you feel more confident going into it knowing this is someone you can trust and are comfortable being yourself around.

2. Plan to Plan Ahead For Your Boudoir Session.

Preparation is not something to skip for a boudoir shoot. Take full advantage of the resources available to you on how to prepare for your boudoir session! At Bella Jade Boudoir we offer a free boudoir guide, tips through our email list, blog, and exclusive content and advice from previous clients in our VIP group! Plus, when you book a shoot with us, you also get a one-on-one consultation with the photographer before the day of your shoot to help plan, prepare, and talk through anything that you are still unsure about! Planning for your boudoir session includes understanding where your session will take place, figuring out what to wear/bring, trying on your outfits, practicing self care leading up to your session, and putting together any props or accessories you’d like to incorporate into your photos! The more you do in advance to prepare the more comfortable and confident you will feel as your session approaches.

3. Remember that You are doing this to gain confidence!

Remember, having confidence is a journey, not a destination. You will always be a work in progress. But the more you step out of your comfort zone, the better you’ll get at believing in yourself and becoming more and more confident as you go! Honestly, even women who come to celebrate the success of a mental or physical health milestone have expressed some nerves going into this. No one is completely void of doubts and insecurities and that’s okay. For that, I encourage you to embrace vulnerability, trust the process, and know that if you’re lacking in the confidence department now you will certainly gain confidence by doing this! The simple fact that you’ve decided to book it tells me that you’re ready enough just as you are right now. Because that means you care enough about your whole being (inside and out) to pour into yourself unapologetically. In case you didn’t know, confidence is not a prerequisite for a boudoir session. If you do not have tons of confidence coming into your shoot, know that you most certainly will leave with more than you came with! That’s the point! To do something for yourself that will ultimately inspire you to fall back in love with yourself and feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin by the time you leave. Ultimately, you’ll walk away from this feeling absolutely incredible with photos you love of yourself and can look back on years from now and feel empowered all over again! If you haven’t scheduled a Scottsdale Boudoir Photography session with us yet, I urge you to get on our schedule now! I hope you’ll take this invitation to treat yourself because this will likely be one of the most empowering things you’ll ever do for you!

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