Feel As Sexy as You Are | Phoenix Arizona Boudoir Photographer


I knew I loved boudoir after my very first go around behind the camera capturing intimate portraits of a friend. Yes I know, super wierd right!? Well, it wasn't really. Once we got going the game changed. I wasn't just taking photos of a friend in her lingerie. We were creating engaging works of art and tapping into something that can only be realized by stepping a little bit outside of your comfort zone. 

That moment where you finally feel as sexy as you are - and believe it with every inch of your body!

That moment when you look at your boudoir photos for the very first time and realize that all of the



and hiding behind your comfort zone

was only hindering your own ability to love yourself unconditionally. YOU ARE sexy just the way you are right now. Sure, you probably have a few things about your body you'd like to change but let me tell you-

the best gift a woman could EVER give herself is the gift of confidence! 

If I can help do that for even just one woman - that is by far the greatest reward of being a boudoir photographer.

For Miss A this experience was a reminder that there is nothing wrong with practicing self love! 

Miss A was an amazing woman to photograph, and I am grateful to share her story. She works in an industry primarily of males where she sometimes feels she has to be a little more thick skinned, and rarely has an opportunity to show off her sexy side! For her session we had very little time to get the right shot, but she was not going to let that stop her from making the most out of her boudoir experience. She seriously blew me away with her energy and that made everything fall right into place. 

Miss A. had her make-up done right here at the studio, and we went through the wardrobe she brought together, We would have time for just one outfit so it was even more important to choose just the right one - which was super hard ( women are crazy indecisive, so I'm sure you can imagine). Between the three of us we were able to put together

a piece that was unique to her, that she felt sexy in, and that would bring out her INNER VIXEN! .... Score!

She even brought in her own ideas for a final epic pose - thinking back to a canvas she had seen of an important women in her life as a child. Miss A KNEW she had to have one herself - at least one day! Not because we all are just dreaming of the day we get to hang a life-sized sensual portrait of ourselves over the mantel before Thanksgiving dinner (as if!). But.

because it gave her a SENSE OF EMPOWERMENT

and something to aspire to. She remembered looking at this image and thinking "what a strong and powerful woman". When you exude that kind of emotion, it is contagious. And Amber desires to feel empowered, confident and that kind of energy creates beautiful, authentic, and powerful imagery.

The result - was jaw dropping! Here are some of her best shots from Miss A's boudoir session at our phoenix boudoir studio.

All images copyright The Bella Jade Collection | 2016
Photography by: Christina Storto
Make-Up by: Lori Udrija

*** Our clients reserve the right to request their images remain private. Your images will never be shared publicly without your consent. ***


Considering your very own boudoir session?

Contact your phoenix boudoir photographer today at bellajadecollection@gmail.com or visit our website to learn more.