Boudoir Photography and How It Changes You | Arizona Boudoir Photographer in Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert, Scottsdale

Boudoir Photography And How It Changes You

Black and White Boudoir Photos | Empowering Boudoir Photo Shoot at Bella Jade Boudoir Photography in Old Town Scottsdale Arizona

First, why I wanted to share this with you:

Woman to woman, the pressure to exist and look a certain way can be all too familiar for most women. Whether you’re single, married, divorced, a housewife, homemaker, stay-at-home mom, working mom, a career-centric woman with no kids both or anything else, the modern woman is undeniably a force to be reckoned with. She does it all and looks damn good doing it! Am I right? But, that doesn’t come without creeping feelings of guilt, burnout, feeling inadequate, or dealing with some form of self-loss.

It’s undoubtedly an incredible time to be a woman — do not get me wrong! But it can also be stressful, overwhelming, and seemingly impossible to keep up at times. Especially with things like social media, reminding us every day that someone out there somewhere is probably doing it better, and somehow does it all while still having a rock-solid bangin body appearing as if they are just effortlessly walking around the world. {Insert intrusive thoughts: ‘being a woman is so easy you’re just not doing it right’} The point is that we are living in a world that makes it feel good to be a woman, but also one where instant gratification and highlight reels can send us on a path of comparison and self-doubt to no end.

I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. Also, that it’s never selfish to take care of yourself, set boundaries, do more of what makes you come alive, and love yourself through that process. There will be highs and there will be lows. That’s inevitable. But you get to choose how your story will be written and you, my love, set the bar for how you get to feel about you! You control the narrative, babe! This is all the more reason why so many women are choosing to do a boudoir session for themselves. They want to celebrate their victories, feel good in their own skin and learn to love themselves unconditionally.

So, how does a boudoir session change you?

As a female boudoir photographer in the Phoenix area for over 8 years I’ve gotten to work with women from all walks of life. Women come into our studio for all sorts of reasons! Whether its to celebrate a milestone, a gift for their significant other, an act of self love or something else, do you want to know the one thing most have in common? They want to change the way they see themselves!

My boudoir clients tell me all of the time how this experience changed them and that they are so full of gratitude for this experience.Just imagine having photos of yourself that capture a time when you felt loved, confident, and empowered. They are proud of what we’ve created together and now have photos of themselves that transform that narrative from never enough, to always have been always will be! The whole experience gives you confidence that you can take with you through all parts of your life!

What it feels like to experience the power of boudoir for yourself:

Picture it — you walk into our Scottsdale boudoir studio on the day of your very own shoot. You are eager, excited, nervous, palms sweaty, trying to hide how incredibly nervous you actually are. But then, you are warmly greeted by an all women team. You lay out your outfits getting advice and encouragement along the way. You sit down for hair and make up, get to chatting and your fears and feelings of self doubt start to fade. It begins to feel more like a day just hanging out with the best of friends, laughing, sharing stories, dishing the tea, and celebrating each other like you’ve known each other for years. You take a deep breath and think ‘im’m safe here, these are girls, girls’.

The time comes to slip into your first outfit. And, it challenges you to see yourself and let yourself be seen. But as you get into poses and are coached through that process you recognize that all of the fear leading up to this was just your intrusive thoughts … getting in the way of you looking and feeling your most confident self! You’re laughing, feeling sexy, and having fun! It’s now the end of you’re shoot and you’re walking away feeling like you’re on cloud nine, radiating with beauty and an abundance self love! You did it! And, you feel more alive than you’ve felt in a long time!

You come back to see your very own boudoir photos for the first time. Not without inhibition( let’s be honest we all have flaws, and your inner critic can be awfully convincing) but you made a pact with yourself to be more gentle with your body so you look up at them anyway, amazed by your own beauty. You’re realizing you were enough after all, and that you too are a gorgeous, incredible, strong, and beautiful woman! It changes you! It inspires you to love yourself more, be more present, and take more time to just be yourself! The bombshell, and absolute goddess who was always there and just needed a little boost to show fully, has arrived! And, there ain’t no stopping her now!

At Bella Jade Boudoir we believe boudoir is for every woman, no matter what age, shape, or size they may be. If you’re asking yourself whether or not you should do this, take it from our clients (you can read tons of client interviews with full testimonials on our blog!) While we all experience things differently, I am confident they would tell you that a boudoir session with us is truly an empowering experience that every woman should have! They would tell you to stop waiting. Stop second-guessing yourself and getting in your own way. Do it now!

Should you do your own boudoir session?

Here’s some snippets of advice from our boudoir client interviews …

Find the boudoir photographer that matches your personality as well as photo style -but definitely do it :)

Do it! With none or all of the flaws, do it! Whether you’re 20 or 50, do it. Capture this version of you and be proud of the body you have. Show the world what you are made of and let yourself feel like a queen.

Do it!!! You will not regret it and Christina will help you throughout the whole process.

Doesn’t matter if this is a little or a lot outside of your comfort zone we will guide you every step of the way! We aim to empower confidence in women through an unforgettable boudoir experience and photos that inspire you to love yourself unconditionally. We encourage you to challenge yourself, take the leap, invest in yourself, and affirm to show up for yourself wholeheartedly. We want you to do the shoot for you, so that you too, can experience the transformative power of boudoir. So that you have a safe space to celebrate your sexy, start healing the relationship you have with your body, be gentle with yourself and embrace your femininity! This truly can change the way you see yourself! And, if you’ve read through this far something tells me it’s your time babe. Do the boudoir session! Get on our schedule for an empowering boudoir session and see it for yourself!

Get started here …

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