Posts tagged what boudoir can do for you
Boudoir Photography and How It Changes You | Arizona Boudoir Photographer in Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert, Scottsdale

First, why I wanted to share this with you:

Woman to woman, the pressure to exist and look a certain way can be all too familiar for most women. Whether you’re single, married, divorced, a housewife, homemaker, stay-at-home mom, working mom, a career-centric woman with no kids both or anything else, the modern woman is undeniably a force to be reckoned with. She does it all and looks damn good doing it! Am I right? But, that doesn’t come without feelings of guilt, burnout, feeling inadequate, or dealing with some form of self-loss.

It’s undoubtedly an incredible time to be a woman — do not get me wrong! But it can also be stressful, overwhelming, and seemingly impossible to keep up at times. Especially with things like social media, reminding us every day that someone out there somewhere is probably doing it better, and somehow does it all while still having a rock-solid bangin body appearing as if they are just effortlessly walking around the world. {Insert intrusive thoughts: ‘being a woman is so easy you’re just not doing it right’} The point is that we are living in a world that makes it feel good to be a woman, but also one where instant gratification and highlight reels can send us on a path of comparison and self-doubt to no end.

I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. Also, that it’s never selfish to take care of yourself, set boundaries, do more of what makes you come alive, and love yourself through that process. There will be highs and there will be lows. That’s inevitable. But you get to choose how your story will be written and you, my love, set the bar for how you get to feel about you! You control the narrative, babe! This is all the more reason why so many women are choosing to do a boudoir session for themselves. They want to celebrate their victories, feel good in their own skin and learn to love themselves unconditionally.

So, how does a boudoir session change you?

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